Monday, April 7, 2008

Ok, were to begin...

So kids were dropped off by Andy and his wife on Friday at about 2100. Wyatt was upset, crying, lips quivering and trying so hard to "be brave." His dad tells him over and over not to cry and be brave. When he got in the house I told him to cry all he didn't make him less brave. If anything, it made him a brave little man to cry if he needed to. I told him I would take him to the zoo or the dino park on Saturday. The first thing he asked is if we would be there early in the morning. I told him no, that we would be sleeping in. He then infoms me that when we woke up in the morning his dad would be gone for one year....*sigh*. Funny thing about kids though, when I told him we would go somewhere he got so excited he started dancing around the house. Him and Chey did really well on Saturday, only Wyatt mentioned his daddy being gone one time. We ended up going to the Clarke Planetarium and going to see K. He is doing so well :)

I was supposed to give kids back to Kit on Sunday morning, but inevitably she couldnt watch them....she was too emotionally drained. I am the Captain of my counties potlucks, so I was unable to go, but it worked out for the best. I got to see P&C, K and all the kids played all day long, it was awesome. K stayed until 0200 and we had lengthy discussion about relationships....why is it balanced healthy people in relationships become counselors :) I love K and hope he gets the relationship he deserves...he's a great SINGLE guy, for all of those out there that may no a great SINGLE lady. ;)

Ok, let me vent real quickly about my kids and there schedule. First off, Andy asked that I keep the schedule the same (Kit having them Fri-Mon). Now I like to believe that I am an accomodating person, working with Andy for the kids sake. Rizzi, Kit, Andy and I went to lunch a week before he left. Kit didn't say much, but Andy, Rizzi and I talked about the summer schedule, what school they will attend, and pretty much anything you can think of for the next year. The problem is, Kit never talked about her work schedule, how she is going to get help if she needs it, etc. So when Andy called me Saturday to let me know that Kit couldn't take the kids on Sun I was perturbed. I mean, the whole reason I agreeded to allowing the kids to go to Andy's house while he is gone is so they could still have a sense of normalcy, to be around his space. But, seriously, if we can't have a routine schedule, fuck it, I'm keeping them with me and I'll figure out daycare. I can't go week to week not knowing what to expect out of Kit. Last night I noticed she was signed into her I/M so asked how she was doing and if she was holding up ok. I told her I was keeping the kids busy, so they were doing fine. She text back, "Thank you for keeping them busy." WTF?? Are you serious, thank you, there my kids, no thanks necessary. I was pissed, and I don't know if I'm justified in it, but oh well, it's what I was. She said she had to go out to the barn and feed the horses, so I asked that she call me later in the evening. She never did. I want to talk with her and make sure that she is good with the schedule, or if someting would work better for her. FUCK....I really don't need this lack of the unkown...I want a schedule and I want it now :)

1 comment:

Keri said...

Alright lady. Here's the scoop. Try this...
Call her and tell her you're going to take care of your kids for the next couple of weeks. Say somethign like, "I can't imagine how hard this is going to be on you. When I think about Rizzi being gone that long, I die inside. So how about we wait a couple of week (unless you'd like to begin sooner) & start the schedule then. That way, you'll have time to grieve and then get back on your feet.
Maybe? :)
I just feel so badly for all of you. The whole situation must be so hard.
Big hug to you!!