Tuesday, February 19, 2008

God, did someone just punch me....

in the stomach....though I won't be able to post this immediately...it is 2/19/08 and I just got word that a bill I have been watching is possibly going to not make it. It would allow the non-custodial parent more time with their child, be more involved in the decisions that affect the child and allow the parent's to designate a responsible party other than themselves....yep, it would give me the same right as a "spouse" of a straight relationship. But of course Hillyard has mentioned a "gay agenda" with the bill.........SHUT UP!! Go back to your hole, cover your head and chant stupidity somewhere else....Please. I do not interfere with your life, and this person has know idea who, what and how I am!! How can a person, who hasn't had dinner with me, played with my kids or drank beer with me change my life? I pray she never knows the pain, anguish and frustration that I must feel because of hate and fear. This is about NON custodial parents, not GAYS!!! And you know what, who gives a fuck if it helps out the gays....what is going to hurt you.....when did people lose site of the BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD....to who's standard's??? I'm telling you right now, it is in the best interest of ALL of my children that they have us all....even if J doesn't agree!!!
OMG...I feel so angry right now....I want so badly to just bitch slap the smart into people....

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