Monday, February 25, 2008

Had soooo much fun...

This weekend!! Went out with the girls and took my str8 friend to was awesome. I think I just needed a day to not care, let shit go and dance like a mad woman!! And dance like a mad woman I did!! I love to people watch and better place than a bar??? Though, I'd have to say I can't imagine doing weekend after weekend. Going twice a year suits me fine! Also went to lunch with my parents on Saturday, I want to get closer to them, so we are working on that. Overall, I had an excellent time with old friends and some new friends as well!!

Ran into J's partner (T) ex at the bar. She was nice enough, but it's weird how I keep to myself when I know there is a link between me and J sitting next to me. I want to ask so many questions though. I mean this woman lived with T for 3 years, she'd know what she is like..we don't and she lives with Merick with her two kids. She did say that T was a good mom...that's good!! She said that T has an agenda and it's usually money....well J has plenty so there ya go. I just said, well she found the right woman then....wanted to say, I hope she fucks J over....then thought better of it! ;)

On another note, Haven't heard from J since our weekend with M. It's funny that she interfere's all day long when he is with us, but refuses to admit that is what she is doing. Rizzi talked with M last night and he told her that she is ruining his life because she won't take him to scouts. Now I understand that M has his own mind, and he wants certain things that won't be given, but his other mom puts a lot of shit in his mind. And if not going to scouts is ruining his life, I do believe I have a Drama Queen on my hands :)

****I just got home from picking up was a long weekend without them. Cheyenne cracks me up....she tells me today...wanna know why I'm going to be a teacher when I grow up? I said, why sweetie? She says, cause you can take your shoes off! God I love her!! How simple is that? I have to remember how to be that simple!
Andy called me today, he will be leaving for Iraq on 05 April...I worry how the kids will handle it. Wonder how to answer all the questions, how to stay positive when they will be sad, but know that they will still be linked to him by going to his wife and their other house. We'll see.....

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