Friday, February 22, 2008

I was so...

close to earasing the last post, but thought...isn't the idea of all this to show the frustration, get it out and have a chance to look at all of it and learn from it? So earasing does not make it go away, and maybe this is what this about....knowing that I can't run, hide or erase my life away. There comes a point that you have to evaluate what you can compromise, what you can't and know what you'll do if you hit that cross roads.

I have always said that as long as people are respectful, communicate and are willing to try I will never give up on them. Never thought that I'd have to evaluate that it meant that the trying was for the way I needed it, now how they want to give it...turns out it's a big difference. Time will tell....time will tell if I need to face a cross roads...if choices, that seem impossible, need to be made.

Since the first couple of e-mails have been sent and the blogging, I have notice a push to try, a need to try and understand, a try to reconnect for ME, the way I need it. There's the try!! Now I have to pull my head out and look at the full picture....Hard sometimes.

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