Sunday, March 23, 2008

We were soooo set up...

So this is typically Rizzi's weekend with M right...well it's J's Easter Holiday which was to begin on Thursday at 1800 hours. Rizzi sends an e-mail to J saying we would be picking him up from school Thursday and that J could come get him from our house at 1800. Of course J tells us that we can't do that, but our attorney says otherwise and advises us to pick M up from school. Well Rizzi and I agree that we don't want to put M in the middle of it, so we would go to his school and just tell him Happy Easter and that we'd see him next week (our next visit will be the following Thursday.) We get to the school and Rizzi meets him by his bus, when he sees her he says he's supposed to be with his mom (J). Rizzi says well actually your supposed to be with me until 1800, but it's ok, I just wanted to tell you Happy Easter and give you a big hug. M then says, well mom told me if you showed up that I had to go with you. Rizzi asks him if he wants to come with us and he says that Rizzi had to make that decision. Rizzi tells him, "we'd love to have you for a few hours." M comes with us and Rizzi calls J's phone, which she doesn't answer, and leaves a message saying that she has M and that she can come pick him up at 1800. As we are driving, who should pass right by us, looks directly at us, but J. We get home and are here for about 30 minutes. I was lying on my bed (I worked the night before) and I hear a knock on the door. M comes in my room and says, I guess I'm leaving. I ask him why and he says, go look in the front room. I walk out and there is a OPD officer. J is at the end of the neighbors drive way staring up at our house. The officer, who by the way we know, was polite and VERY nice and says that J has told him that we have taken our son on her time. OMG, really!!! Rizzi and I kiss and hug M, cause we aren't going to make this harder for him, and he leaves with her. The officer hung out with us and gave us some great advice for the future (Cause J like to involve the police). I can't help but think about how that would have affected me when I was a kid. I can't help but think that a mother is choosing to allow her personal feelings about me and Rizzi to GREATLY affect her childs emotional well being. I can't help but think that it's gotta end soon!! We have called everynight, like always, and no one will answer the phone. Rizzi has had no contact with him since the officer was here, I can only imagine what J is filling him full of. Karma, that's all I'm gonna say.

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