Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's a boy!!!!!

That is what the balloons said that we sent him after his surgery!! He sent me a text on surgery day saying "I'm a boy!!" It is incredible to watch a person transform into who they really are. Thanks for the journey, though it's just began, and trusting to have me along!!

Thought I'd update on Andy and Afghanistan (that's were he is actually goin). He leaves next Saturday at 0745...I hope the kids will be ok, though I know I set the tone on how well my kids will be. If I have a hard time, they will too. If I stay strong, confident and empathetic, they will as well. I see I will have to pep talk myself this coming week and be cool as a cucumber....

Got registered for all my classes. Of course the online course I wanted was closed (Bastards!!!) They start in May, and I don't know if I have ever been this excited for school.

So I sluffed work tonight by the insistance of Rizzi. Soooo glad I did. We spent some time together, watched some L-word (still on season 4 cause we don't have Showtime and got the DVD's for X-mas.) Rizzi is the most kind, compassionate person I have ever been with. She is the safest person I have ever shared with and she fits like a glove. I am the luckiest girl in the galaxy :)

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