Tuesday, March 4, 2008


that has become a habit lately. Not that it's a bad thing...it's just that it can make the "real world" a little more difficult. I recently went and had a visit with an Acadmic Counselor at WSU. Turns out I only have a year left for my batchelors and a minor in English. I then will apply for law school....soooo excited to move on with my life and do what I have been "daydreaming" about for close to a decade. I'm scared to not accomplish my goal, as I believe this is so doable and expect alot of myself, but I really hate disappointment. I want to prove to myself that I am able to accomplish this task and make it happen. I have been viewing myself as wasted potential for time now, sick of feeling that way. I have so many excuese I give myself for not going (mortgage, car payment, kids, blah, blah, blah) and I'm done doing it!! I am a true believer of "you can be anything when you grow up?" Good thing I haven't grown up yet ;)

I meet with the CJ dept on Friday to determine how many courses are necessary for graduation and the advisor is a judge, so hopefully they will be full of advise for me. I am so excited to go, and yes, I know I will be frustrated, want to give up and yell at myself on occasion for putting myself through this torture....but what's fun if you don't have a little discomfort right?

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